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Eucharist & Healing 12:45PM
Racists Anonymous aims to tackle racism by making people aware of their biases
Feb 23, 2021
A California pastor, inspired by the teachings of Alcoholics Anonymous, is now using the same tools to address what he sees as another widespread addiction – racism.
Rev. Ron Buford Preaches "Is The Lord Among Us Or Not"
September 25, 2020
Guest Preacher Rev. Ron Buford preached on 9/27/2020 from his own church Sunnyvale Congregational Community UCC.Some of you may recognize Rev. Buford as the coordinator of the UCC "God is Still Speaking" campaign launched in the early 2000s. The slogan came to him after he read a line found in the comedian Gracie Allen's notes: "Never place a period where God has placed a comma."
Oft dauert es Monate, bis jemand ausspricht: Ich bin ein Rassist
September 23, 2020
Ron Buford hat die "Anonymen Rassisten" gegründet. Der schwarze Geistliche hält sich selbst für einen. Hier erzählt er, wer zu den Treffen kommt und worum es dabei geht.
Racists Anonymous with Rev. Ron Buford
June 24, 2020
Guest Preacher Rev. Ron Buford preached on 9/27/2020 from his own church Sunnyvale Congregational Community UCC.Some of you may recognize Rev. Buford as the coordinator of the UCC "God is Still Speaking" campaign launched in the early 2000s. The slogan came to him after he read a line found in the comedian Gracie Allen's notes: "Never place a period where God has placed a comma."
Sunnyvale pastor’s ‘Racists Anonymous’ group celebrates two years
November 12, 2017
Much has changed for pastor Ron Buford’s group Racists Anonymous since he started hosting meetings at his church nearly two years ago. The Sunnyvale group is an Alcoholics Anonymous-style meet-up where people can have open and frank discussions about their own experiences with racism without casting blame on anyone.”
Racists Anonymous helping to make people aware of their own biases
October 26, 2017
Something that is usually unspeakable is a conversation starter at a meeting of Racists Anonymous. Participants in the multiracial group try to become more aware of their own biases.”
The First Step to Recovery Is Admitting You're a Racist
October 12, 2017
For some churches, that means taking Jesus as an example of a political dissident, or teaching God’s “limited forgiveness” in a state that kills black men over and over again. For others, empathy and divine love may be enough to pave the way towards a harmonious, multicultural country. “Racism is ultimately a spiritual problem,” a Arkansas pastor recently told ThinkProgress around the time his church organized a diversity conference. “You can’t legislate that out of people.”
Racism is a Disease That Everyone Suffers From, Says ‘Racists Anonymous’
June 20, 2017
Instead of viewing racism as a moral failure, Racists Anonymous treats it like a disease from which everyone suffers.
NPR Invisivilia: The Culture Inside
June 15, 2017
Is there a part of ourselves that we don't acknowledge, that we don't even have access to and that might make us ashamed if we encountered it?
“Hi, I’m Bonnie, and I’m a Racist”
JANUARY 11, 2017
On a September evening at the United Church of Christ in Sunnyvale, California, a dozen people are sitting in folding chairs arranged in a circle. Nearby, a plastic folding table is topped with cookies and fruit. (Coffee is notably absent.) The setup is basically that of an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, except that the group, mostly older and mostly white, isn’t here to deal with chemical dependency. Rather, they have decided they want to better understand their own prejudices and take part in productive conversations about race.
'Racists Anonymous' Offers 12-Step Approach To Racism
November 15, 2016
A pastor in Silicon Valley is leading a 12-step approach to recovering from racism. It was born from his frustration with his own experiences of being racially profiled.
Silicon Valley Church Hosts ‘Racists Anonymous’ Meetings
September 23, 2016
To help combat what he considers an illness at the root of many problems in the U.S. and other countries, Buford is inviting people in his Silicon Valley community of Sunnyvale and neighboring areas to come together in a series of 12-step meetings he's calling Racists Anonymous.
‘Racists Anonymous’ groups at churches: The first step is admitting you have a problem
August 31, 2016
As tensions grow amid police shootings of young black men and a presidential campaign rife with allegations of racism, many people are calling for a more honest conversation about race in America. One pastor in Sunnyvale, Calif. is offering a venue to get people talking: Racists Anonymous.
Trinity Presbyterian Church begins program on dealing with racism
August 23, 2017
An Oklahoma City pastor is calling on believers and nonbelievers alike to help the church deal with a “600-pound gorilla in the living room.” A massive, unacknowledged primate in plain sight is only one of the metaphors Trinity Presbyterian Church pastor Rev. Richard Mize used to describe bigotry when discussing the church’s upcoming series of meetings on the subject, Facing Racism & Racists Anonymous.
Oklahoma City PC(USA) church offers ‘Racism and Racists Anonymous’ series
March 29, 2017
One Oklahoma church has adopted a unique format in its effort to confront personal and societal racism. Trinity Presbyterian Church in Oklahoma City began a 10-week “Racism and Racists Anonymous” discussion group Feb. 15 and will conclude on the Wednesday following Easter.
Oklahoma Church Launches ‘Racism & Racists Anonymous’ Program
March 26, 2017
A small church in Oklahoma has launched a “Racism & Racists Anonymous” program meant to help foster dialogue and racial reconciliation.
Racists Anonymous: founder says we all need to admit we're racist
Feb. 16, 2017
More than a year ago, the Rev. Ron Buford added a new support group at his church, which he called Racists Anonymous. It's based on the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous program. "We have AA groups that meet here every day except Sunday," he said. But Racists Anonymous is for everyone, because everyone is battling racism on some level, said Buford, who will be leading workshops in Birmingham on Friday night and Saturday afternoon.
Racists Anonymous - treating racism as an addiction
October 27, 2016
This is Racists Anonymous - a 12-step programme launched by a Californian church to help people become more aware of their biases.
The only reason Racists Anonymous seems weird is that almost nobody in America admits they’re racist
Aug 29, 2016
In Concord, North Carolina, a group called Racists Anonymous has been meeting for the past month. It’s based in Trinity United Church of Christ fellowship hall, and the organizers are hoping other congregations follow their lead and start holding their own meetings. They say their membership is growing all the time.
North Carolina Church Holding Weekly Racists Anonymous Meetings
Aug 26, 2016
A church in North Carolina is taking 12 steps towards helping to improve America’s racial divide.